SAP Leonardo Live
Not just another business conference
“Does the world really need another IoT event?” This question hung provocatively in the air already during the concept phase. Yet SAP certainly has much to say about the Internet of Things (IoT) and all related areas. And so the content scope of the project was first multiplied by 6 in the middle of the ongoing planning phase, and we were faced with an exciting challenge: How does one simply manage to turn a standard business conference into an atypical IoT event?
Our approach: we did not allow SAP to talk about SAP, but selected two internationally known journalists – a so called “anchorman” & “anchorwoman” – who we asked to conduct research and report on the topic. It was an outside view of SAP’s activities, prepared as an international news show, while featuring breaking news, video clips and detailed reports. The storyline was perfectly geared to the overall strategy of SAP. The centre stage became the centre for participants on the scene and those watching via live broadcast all over the (SAP) world.
Personal discussion formats for deepening the knowledge of what was heard completed the sessions of media-influenced information brokerage: How can I put that into practice for me? Which steps do I have to plan in my company? The participants discussed these and similar questions with partners and experts from SAP. And there is more: the conference was interspersed with a good number of real examples, showcases as well as projects to tackle and experience. With all this, we were able to fulfil the wish of SAP for a push in the matter of awareness, and strengthen relationships with their global clients and markets – realised on four levels at the Kap Europa congress centre.